Vision to Viability
All businesses start with a vision. Not all businesses reach viability.
Imagine if you could buy a Fitbit-type bracelet to monitor and track your activity as an entrepreneur while on the path of turning your great idea into a viable business. It would track all of your activity, your thoughts, your decisions, and your successes and give you instant feedback. Imagine if a DNA test existed that could detect your personal potential to be an innovative entrepreneur and predict the likelihood that your latest venture would be a success.
Unfortunately, a smartwatch or DNA testing cannot determine the feasibility of a business venture idea or your potential for entrepreneurial success. However, there is a proven approach to starting new ventures and building them into viable enterprises that is the next best thing. It’s called Vision to Viability™ or V2V for short. Get on the V2V bandwagon!
Business Fitness Accelerator
The Business Fitness Accelerator (BFA) is an online expert content system that provides customized feedback, advice, reports, and specialized improvement plans for business owners in start-up, growth or expansion mode.
Subject matter experts design and maintain a computerized smart information system that emulates the personalized coaching, mentoring, and priority setting advice provided by experienced business development consultants. BFA is a virtual online Senior Business Advisor.
Contact Gerald Driggs for more information after you have reviewed this short presentation.

Branding Fitness
Branding is especially important for any business – especially start-ups! Too often entrepreneurs equate branding with coming-up with a clever name, designing a logo, creating a web site, and pushing their brand into the cyber world of social networks.
Emphasis is placed on the design and creative dimensions and not the business development considerations. Ground Floor Solutions has an approach it uses to assess brand fitness.
Contact Gerald Driggs for more information after you have reviewed this short presentation.
Nonprofit Alert! Outcomes Have Replaced Good Intentions.
Eight Essential Outcome Guidelines Tied to 21st Century Nonprofit Sustainability
The paradigm has shifted in the nonprofit world. Good intentions supported by the generous accommodation of others describes a model for nonprofit sustainability that is as useless as a rotary dial telephone for online banking. In this environment of change, a new emphasis on documenting the results achieved for the dollars spent is dominating management discussions and almost every level of the service delivery ladder.
Nonprofit organizations, regardless of size or mission, are confronted with increasingly significant challenges that impact their overall sustainability and effectiveness. Decreased funding is occurring at a time when needs are increasing. No one is immune. Nonprofit sustainability requires innovative entrepreneurial strategies that generate impact equal to or greater than funders expect.
This article lays out eight guidelines for achieving financial sustainability.

Intangible Assets
A Key to Obtaining Competitive Advantage in the Nonprofit World
What’s an intangible asset? It is an asset that is critical to your organization’s success but has not been productized. In its current form, it may best described as an essential but soft asset. It cannot be scaled or replicated in a way that makes financial sense. In many situations it represents the secret sauce for your success however it only exists in the minds and personalities of your key employees.
It’s the expert knowledge, collective experience, methodologies, corporate wisdom, intuition, and expertise that make up the secret sauce of your success. You have been successful over the years because of the unique way you approach the needs of your customers and consumers. The problem is your secret sauce is tied directly to individuals. It is not in a form that can be scaled or replicated without hiring more people who have the unique skill set that can make the secret sauce work – even then the ramp up time to make new hires productive is financially prohibitive and is subject to the successful transfer of knowledge to these new hires. The process is risky, expensive, and speculative.