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New Developments With GFS Clients

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Ground Floor Solutions Provides Leadership for the Upper Allegheny Valley CDC

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Food21 launches a new website announcing three new Resource Centers focused on enhancing the food economy in the Pittsburgh region.

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Move your venture concepts from ideas to viable products and services.


Faster Development. Less Risk. Stronger Outcomes. Lasting Solutions.





Increase Impact. Add Value. Leverage Assets. We build upon your organization’s unique combination of priorities, capacities, and market realities. Our services are matched to your venture’s position on the V2V Continuum. Our toolkit of services combines the latest technology with proven processes focused on discovery, development, and implementation. Click an icon for more information.

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A Clear Path to Viability. The V2V approach enables you to define, describe, deliver, and drive your organization’s resources. V2V provides different types of support depending on where your organization is on the V2V Continuum. We tailor our approach to match our resources to your needs and expectations.

The V2V approach is applied to the opportunities that you are pursuing in order to effectively leverage your assets in innovative ways that lead to success.

Here’s how it works:

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